Six Weeks to Chiseled Abs

Six Weeks to Chiseled Abs

Welcome to my "Six Weeks to Chiseled Abs" program. I am so excited to be on this journey with you!

I have hand-picked all the workouts in this program so that they become progressively more challenging, they keep switching up so your body is constantly guessing and adapting over the course of next six weeks. We cover everything from stability ball workouts, jumprope, gliding plates and bodyweight workouts. Over the course of six week, you will complete each workout twice, and you will be surprised how different it feels and how much stronger you got.

Why this program? To get real results, you need to stick to a program, and you need to schedule out your workouts. Plain and simple. That's how you get results. Random workouts lead to random results.

Why six weeks? Because that's how long it takes to start seeing real results, any program that promises overnight results is lying!

I'm asking you to commit to this program for six weeks, and follow all the workouts in the specific order that they are presented to you. There are 15 workouts in this program.

Week 1 & 4, you will do workouts 1-5 (all five workouts, you pick the days. Make sure you have two full rest days in your week).
Week 2 & 5, you will do workouts 6-10
Week 3 & 6, you will do workouts 11-15

Finally: You cannot isolate your core, or "spot reduce" fat, so good news - this program will have you seeing and feeling real results all over your body. Toned, chiseled muscles, lean body with confidence - HERE WE GO!!!!

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Six Weeks to Chiseled Abs
  • Welcome to the program, equipment review

  • Before you start: Form & alignment overview

  • All About Abs

    Grab a pair of gliders, enjoy me for this core extravaganza. As always, we hit up the full body, but the main focus on this workout is chiseling your core muscles. You will be drenched in sweat by the end of this work out.

  • Bodyweight Blast πŸ’₯

    All you need is your own body for this total body blast!!!


    Get your core and booty in check!😁⚑️ Set up your mat next to a step- like surface, you can use a stepstool, coffee table edge, edge of a couch or anything around you (just make sure that it’s firm and not sliding around. Remember, the higher the step, the harder your work out will be). This worko...

  • Animal Workout

    Travel across the floor in all kinds of animal crawls! You will need: Your own body and a set of gliding plates (or paper plates or towels). We will be traveling and gliding all over the floor, in planks, walking lunges and bear crawls. Sounds scary? Don't worry! This workout is so fun and it WIL...


    Super effective core moves on a Swiss ball weaved in with jump rope intervals. Chiseling and fat burning all-in-one. I love this workout on days when I don’t feel like a super intense workout, or as an addition to a full body workout.

  • Abs on fire πŸ”₯

    Grab a light dumbbell and a pair of gliders (paper plates will do as well) and join me for this CORE SCULPTING extravaganza! I have handpicked only the most effective, super sculpting moves targeting your belly from all angles. Cardio intervals weaved in for extra fat burning effect!

  • Sweat to Reset πŸ’¦

    Turn up the heat with this last workout of 2020. You will need a pair of light handweights. This workout is nonstop 30 minutes full body moves, cardio heavy and extra sweaty. See you in 2021!

  • Let it Glide

    Grab two gliders, (or two paper plates or kitchen towels) and dive into this super charged workout! Full body moves using the glider plates, targeting core, butt, legs and arms.

  • Power Yoga Bootcamp

    All you need is your own body and a mat for this full body workout. Our yoga moves combined with athletic Boot Camp drills. 30 minutes of perfect sweat and toning.

  • Advanced Core Blast II.

    The perfect blend of full body core movements and fat torching cardio drills. Best recipe for a strong and chiseled midsection. You will need a step-like surface (edge of a couch, step, step stool etc...), a light hand weight and Swiss ball (optional). Wow I am still sweating and shaking! Enjoy!!!

  • Advanced Core Blast

    Grab two light hand weights and join me for a 30 minute blast full of advanced, combo core moves, smoothly combined with cardio drills. The ultimate way to burn fat and get definition n your midsection.

  • "On the Wall" Abs

    Grab a mat and a pair of light hand weights, and set up right next to an open wall space. This is a slower paced workout, focusing on your deep core muscles. We go over how to properly activate your "transverse abdominus" aka you "corset muscle" - the entire workout you get reminded to keep that ...

  • Floor Workout

    Hit the floor and get ready to sweat. We need one light dumbbell for this full body extravaganza. Each move in this workout uses ALL YOUR MUSCLES and challenges you from different angles. Cardio intervals weaved in for extra sweat. LOVE THIS ONE!!!!
    Here’s a playlist for this class!

  • Jumprope Abs

    This workout targets your midsection with creative jumprope moves, cardio intervals weaved in as always for more fat burn. This workout alternates slow, precise core moves with short bursts of cardio.

  • Pillow Workout

    Grab a light, soft pillow and join me for this incredibly hard, thorough, sculpting workout. We move at a slower pace, using the pillow to contract, control and fire the deepest muscles while paying close attention to proper form.